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Sending secure email to JKJ.
JKJ is committed to protecting our clients by encrypting sensitive information sent via email, such as drivers license numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical information, and more, to prevent crimes such as identity theft.
Due to the inherent security issues surrounding email, and to comply with federal regulations such as HIPAA, JKJ is committed to protecting our clients by encrypting sensitive information sent via email, such as drivers license numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical information, and more, to prevent crimes such as identity theft. Any email sent from us containing such information will be secured using either TLS (direct) email encryption, or a password-protected email. Chances are you found this page because your email platform does not support TLS encryption, and you received a password-protected from us. To avoid getting the password-protected emails, we highly recommend switching to a modern email platform that supports “TLS”. (Most major providers support TLS.)
Sending secure email to JKJ: Our secure email system allows anyone to send us email securely. Simply use the link below to access the secure email system, and click on the compose tab to send us a secure email. If you’ve never received or sent a secure email with us before, you will need to register first using the registration box on the right side of the login screen.JKJ Secure Email System Help.
Frequently Asked Questions
I received a secure email and it’s asking for a password, what do I do?
If this is your first time getting a secure email from us, simply enter a new password to register yourself with our secure email system. This password will be used to access subsequent secure emails, or to send us a secure email, so make a note of it!
Make sure your password meets any two of the following three conditions:
- Contains both alphabetic and number characters
- Contains both uppercase and lower characters
- Contains at least one special character, such as ~!@#$%^&
I want to send a secure email to JKJ, what do I do?
To send us a secure message, click here to log in to the secure email system, and click on the compose tab. If you’ve never gotten a secure email from us, you will need to create an account using the registration box on the right side of the login screen.
I forgot my password, what do I do?
If you forget your password, click on the “Forgot Your Password” link on the login page to see your password reminder. You can also use the “Change Your Password” link on the login page to change it to something else. Note that when you use the ” Change Your Password” option – it will send you a confirmation email that has to be acknowledged before the new password will take effect.
Help! I’m locked out!
After 3 unsuccessful login attempts, the system will lock your account for 30 minutes. To avoid the waiting period, you can simply use the “Change Your Password” link to change your password and unlock your account. Please note that you will get a confirmation email that has to be opened before the new password will take effect.
If you have any questions regarding JKJ’s Secure Email System, please contact us at 1-800-343-0107.