New federal HIPAA rules require 10-digit identifier for self-funded plans The Health and Human Services Department recently updated the Code Set Rules, a set of requirements under HIPAA to create uniform electronic procedures for health plan administration.
As part of this update, HHS requires employers sponsoring self-funded medical plans to apply for a health plan identifier (HPID. The 10-digit HPID will track employers’ compliance with the Code Set Rules, specifically regarding enrollment transactions like transferring subscriber information to a carrier or third-party administrator in order to start, terminate or modify an employee’s health coverage.
Large group self-funded health plans (annual costs of $5 million+) must apply for an HPID by November 5.
Small group self-funded health plans (annual costs of less than $5 million) will have an extra year to obtain an HPID.
More information on applying for an HPID is available at:
Author: Julie Bartl, President, JKJ Benefits, Inc.